February 2022

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The Law of State Responsibility: Concerns Presented by Contemporary Environmental Law In Its Application

This essay was awarded the 1st Position at the IDIA-TCLF National Essay Writing Competition, 2021, on the theme, “Intersection of Environment and the Law: Analyzing the Evolving Legal Regime”. The essay focuses upon the challenges presented by contemporary environmental law issues in the application of the law of state responsibility under international law.

The Law of State Responsibility: Concerns Presented by Contemporary Environmental Law In Its Application Read More »

The Testing Challenge of Bio-Medical Waste Management During Covid-19

This essay was awarded the 2nd Position at the IDIA-TCLF National Essay Writing Competition, 2021, on the theme, “Intersection of Environment and the Law: Analyzing the Evolving Legal Regime”. This focuses upon the issue of bio medical waste management in India in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside the laws governing the treatment and disposal of such waste.

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