human rights

Legal Recognition Same Sex Couples

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions in India: Notes from Fedotova and Others v. Russia

In this piece, the authors analyse the Centre’s arguments opposing recognition of same-sex unions in light of the European Court of Human Rights’ decision in Fedotova and Others v. Russia, which imposed a positive obligation on member-states to recognize same-sex unions.

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions in India: Notes from Fedotova and Others v. Russia Read More »

The Supreme Court’s Interim Order in the Rohingya Deportation Case: A lost Opportunity?

In this post, the author talks about the non-refoulement principle from an international as well as domestic perspective, in the context of the recent Supreme Court interlocutory order allowing the deportation of thousands of Rohingya refugees to Myanmar.

The Supreme Court’s Interim Order in the Rohingya Deportation Case: A lost Opportunity? Read More »

“I Can’t Breathe” – Black Lives Matter, Derek Chauvin’s Trial, and Racial Violence in the United States

In our latest post, the author analyzes the status of Chauvin’s sentencing and the evolution of racial violence in the United States after a year of George Flyod’s death. In doing so, he emphasizes on the violations of domestic law and international human rights law.

“I Can’t Breathe” – Black Lives Matter, Derek Chauvin’s Trial, and Racial Violence in the United States Read More »