

Pride and Prejudice- Reputation in light of Right to be Forgotten in India

In this post, the author seeks to examine the social outcomes of the lack of proper observance of the Right to be Forgotten. The author also provides a socio-legal analysis through various real-life cases and attempts to provide a solution to the conundrum.

Pride and Prejudice- Reputation in light of Right to be Forgotten in India Read More »


The New Privacy Regime For Startups: A Dreamy Vision or a Wake-up Call?

In this post, the Author aims to delve into a complete analysis of what changes have been introduced (in the form of duties of Data Fiduciaries) that will cause corporate data processors to up their game, with a special focus on the position of Startups in the status quo, and the exemptions with respect to the desirability of the same vis-à-vis rights of citizens under the Privacy Law.

The New Privacy Regime For Startups: A Dreamy Vision or a Wake-up Call? Read More »

Privacy Post-Puttaswamy

Privacy Post-Puttaswamy: The Need for State Intervention and its Implications on Individual Autonomy

In this post, the author talks about the need to positively enforce the right to privacy, post the Puttaswamy judgment. In doing so, the author also argues for increased state intervention (via a data protection law) for the protection of privacy on the internet.

Privacy Post-Puttaswamy: The Need for State Intervention and its Implications on Individual Autonomy Read More »

Right to be Forgotten

Right To Be Forgotten- A Must For Digital Age in India

In our latest post, the authors analyze the scope of the “Right to be Forgotten” in India after the K.S. Puttaswamy Judgment and its potential conflict with the freedom of expression. In doing so, they also aim to highlight certain methods to effectively enforce the right in India.

Right To Be Forgotten- A Must For Digital Age in India Read More »

Data Trust Data Protection Laws

Privacy and the State: Philosophical Anatomy of Data Trusts

In this guest post for our Law and Technology Blog Series, Akash Manwani (Chief Innovation Officer at Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law) has introduced the concept of Data Trusts for securing autonomy of data subjects and preventing misuse by data processors. The author explains the meaning of data trusts, highlights its importance and also provides different ways in which law can regulate such data trusts effectively.

Privacy and the State: Philosophical Anatomy of Data Trusts Read More »

Transnational Data Laws Remote Sensing Satellite

Transnational Space Law in the 21st Century: What Laws Govern Data in Outer Space?

In this article, the author highlights the lacunae in traditional public international law with respect to data governance in outer space. To solve this issue, the author suggests reliance on the concept of ‘transnational law’ and states that surveillance by nations and data transfer by private entities should be governed through both private and public legal mechanisms.

Transnational Space Law in the 21st Century: What Laws Govern Data in Outer Space? Read More »

Law Data Protection Healthcare

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-II)

In this two part blog post, the authors comprehensively analyse data privacy and confidentiality concerns surrounding electronic health records
In Part-II, the authors conduct an India specific analysis of the issue. In doing so, the authors highlight certain drawbacks in the existing legal framework and conclude with some innovative recommendations.

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-II) Read More »