Public Health Law

Law Data Protection Healthcare

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-II)

In this two part blog post, the authors comprehensively analyse data privacy and confidentiality concerns surrounding electronic health records
In Part-II, the authors conduct an India specific analysis of the issue. In doing so, the authors highlight certain drawbacks in the existing legal framework and conclude with some innovative recommendations.

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-II) Read More »

Law Data Protection Healthcare

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-I)

In this two part blog post, the authors comprehensively analyse data privacy and confidentiality concerns surrounding electronic health records.
In Part-1, the authors analyse interoperability and the conundrum surrounding anonymised data by referring to some important case laws and statutory provisions from advanced jurisdictions.

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-I) Read More »

Implications of Patent Rights on Access to Healthcare in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic

In our latest post, the authors comprehensively talk about compulsory licensing considerations under the patent regime in light of the COVID-19 crisis. In doing so, the author also provide a way forward to ensure better access to healthcare using the existing legal framework.

Implications of Patent Rights on Access to Healthcare in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic Read More »