TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.6 Ms. Radha Raghavan: The Present & Future of International Investment Disputes

We are extremely delighted to bring to you all the 6th Episode of TCLF One-on-One.

We were honoured to host Ms. Radha Raghavan as our guest for the 6th Episode. Ms. Radha currently works as an Of Counsel at Draper & Draper LLC, New York. She holds a master’s degree in International Dispute Resolution from New York University. Ms. Radha has been a research scholar at NYU and visiting research fellow at Columbia Law School.
Conversation in the sixth episode is based on theme: “The Present & Future of International Investment Disputes”. Ms. Radha talks about her experience of working in New York, a commercial hub and popular seat for International Arbitrations, emerging issues in International Investment disputes, FDI prospects for India and much more.

Check out the editor’s digest for the episode to know more about the subject and the issues discussed in the interview by clicking here

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