June 2023


FC-TRS Form: Does It Need To Be Filed Even On Transfer Of Only Registered Ownership?

In this post, the authors aim to answer the question as to whether a FC-TRS form needs to be filed where a Non Resident Indian (NRI) transfers ‘registered’ ownership of certain shares to a resident Indian, without transferring ‘beneficial’ ownership of those shares.

FC-TRS Form: Does It Need To Be Filed Even On Transfer Of Only Registered Ownership? Read More »

Legal Tech, Change and Adoption: Integration of Legal Tech in the Practice of Law

In this post, the author aims to highlight the various ways in which technology is being integrated into the practice of law. In doing so, the authors also underlines the benefits of the same as also highlighting the challenges lying ahead.

Legal Tech, Change and Adoption: Integration of Legal Tech in the Practice of Law Read More »

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep. 39| Working at International Arbitration Institutions ft. Ms. Ereblinda Sadiku

In the latest episode of the TCLF One-on-One Series, We were honoured to host Ms. Ereblinda Sadiku who talks about Responsibilities of a Counsel at an International Arbitration Institution, Institutional vs. Ad-Hoc Arbitrations and Teaching Methods in Civil Law jurisdictions

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep. 39| Working at International Arbitration Institutions ft. Ms. Ereblinda Sadiku Read More »