April 2021

urban Water Supply

Public Private Partnerships in the Urban Water Supply Sector: Institutional Issues and Solutions

In this post, the author aims to highlight the issues concerning urban water supply in India, and further analyze the working of PPP models in the water supply sector. In doing so, the author would also focus upon the regulation of PPPs in India, and argue for the enactment of a specific PPP legislation.

Public Private Partnerships in the Urban Water Supply Sector: Institutional Issues and Solutions Read More »

Enabling Alternate Resolution For Our Very Own Countrymen: ADR Under Farm Laws, 2020

In this post, the author, through a doctrinal and reform-oriented approach, explores the means of more effective means of inclusion of ADR for resolution of disputes under the recent farm law enactments by the Union Legislature. The author does so by critically analysing the consequences of the prescribed conciliation procedure and the discretion afforded to the executive, and makes suggestions to ensure fairer adjudications of such disputes emanating under the law, and the quicker resolution of such disputes by changing the means in which ADR can be enabled.

Enabling Alternate Resolution For Our Very Own Countrymen: ADR Under Farm Laws, 2020 Read More »

India’s Stance To Ban Cryptocurrency Trading: What does the future hold?

India’s Stance To Ban Cryptocurrency Trading: What does the future hold?

In this post, the authors have tried to analyse India’s stance towards the emerging cryptocurrency industry. In doing so, they have tried to highlight the regulatory issues surrounding the proposed ban on cryptocurrencies and the way forward for India.

India’s Stance To Ban Cryptocurrency Trading: What does the future hold? Read More »