November 2022

Legal Recognition Same Sex Couples

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions in India: Notes from Fedotova and Others v. Russia

In this piece, the authors analyse the Centre’s arguments opposing recognition of same-sex unions in light of the European Court of Human Rights’ decision in Fedotova and Others v. Russia, which imposed a positive obligation on member-states to recognize same-sex unions.

Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions in India: Notes from Fedotova and Others v. Russia Read More »

Revaluating the Regulatory Approach Towards E-Wallets: The Need to Shift From Activity-Based to Entity-Based Regulation

In this post, the author seeks to highlight the need for a shift in regulatory approach for the e-wallet market and analyses the shortcomings of the current data protection network. In doing so the author proposes a change by adopting an entity-based regulatory model instead of an activity-based regulatory model and showcases how that will benefit the fintech sector.

Revaluating the Regulatory Approach Towards E-Wallets: The Need to Shift From Activity-Based to Entity-Based Regulation Read More »