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India Patent Protection

Should India reconsider its Patent Protection Regime in the wake of a “Self-Reliant India”?

In this post, the author argues for the development of a Utility Patent regime in India, in light of the ‘Self-Reliant India’ initiative. In doing so, the author highlights the importance of Utility Patents in fostering inclusive growth, and further provides some interesting suggestions to develop the concerned regime.

Should India reconsider its Patent Protection Regime in the wake of a “Self-Reliant India”? Read More »

Reflection of Debt in a Balance Sheet

Reflection of Debt in a Balance Sheet: Acknowledgment or a Statutory Compliance?

In this post, the author critically examines the decision of the Hon’ble NCLAT in V. Padmakumar v. Stressed Assets Stabilisation Fund & Anr. The author differs from the majority’s widely debated view holding that the reflection of debt in the balance sheet of the Corporate Debtor does not amount to an acknowledgment under Section 18 of the Limitation Act, 1963, and argues that sole reliance on Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 is misplaced and the implication of the balance sheet along with the Directors’ Report and financial statement must be considered holistically.

Reflection of Debt in a Balance Sheet: Acknowledgment or a Statutory Compliance? Read More »

Irene Calboli on TCLF One-on-One

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep. 11 Ms. Irene Calboli: Innovative Academic Models and Trademark Law

In the 11th episode of TCLF One-on-One, Ms. Irene Calboli talks about a career in legal academia, the importance of practical exposure for academics, looking beyond Patents in the access debate, comparative trademark law and much more

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep. 11 Ms. Irene Calboli: Innovative Academic Models and Trademark Law Read More »

Ms. Kirthana Khurana TCLF One on One Corporate Law Academia Corporate Social Responsibility

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.10 Ms. Kirthana Khurana: “Academia as a Profession & Changes in Corporate Law

In the 10th episode of TCLF One-on-One, Ms. Kirthana Khurana talks about her law school experience, academic inclinations, a career in legal academia, avenues for academia aspirants, corporate governance, CSR and much more

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.10 Ms. Kirthana Khurana: “Academia as a Profession & Changes in Corporate Law Read More »

Insurance Technology Insurtech Laws

Insurtech: Innovative future of the Insurance industry in a post-COVID-19 world

With Information Technology redefining every sector in 21st Century, and the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating social distancing, AI and Technology have evolved to complement each and every field, insurance being one of them.
In this post, the author attempts to highlight emerging legal issues relating to Insurtech and the ways to combat them.

Insurtech: Innovative future of the Insurance industry in a post-COVID-19 world Read More »

Homosexuality LGBTQ

India, Singapore and Their Hetergenous Response to Homosexuality: An Analysis of Jurisprudential Differences

When the Supreme Court of India, one of the largest common law systems in the world legalised same sex relations by striking down Sec. 377 of the IPC, it resulted in much joy across the world amongst gender minorities.
However, things have not been as flowery everywhere. In this post, the author tries to chart the jurisprudential journey of homosexuality in two former British colonies, India and Singapore and to analyze the differences in their approach.

India, Singapore and Their Hetergenous Response to Homosexuality: An Analysis of Jurisprudential Differences Read More »


India’s tryst with Extra-judicial killings: The Flip side of fake encounters

Undertrial prisoners in Bhopal, four rape accused in Hyderabad and now Vikas Dubey. The trend of police encounters in India is on the rise.
In this post, the author highlights some important questions relating to extra-judicial killings and further analyse its flip side.

India’s tryst with Extra-judicial killings: The Flip side of fake encounters Read More »

Cow Lynching Uttar Pradesh Banner Law

Uttar Pradesh’s Cow Slaughter Ordinance: A Blatant Disregard of the Courts and the Constitution

Days back, Uttar Pradesh Government rolled out an ordinance which legalised publishing name and photo of a person accused of violation of Section 5 of UP Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act.
In this post, the author attempts to analyse the constitutional validity of this ordinance by pitching it against the threefold test prescribed in the Puttaswamy case.

Uttar Pradesh’s Cow Slaughter Ordinance: A Blatant Disregard of the Courts and the Constitution Read More »

Legal Research and Writing TCLF One-on-One

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Bonus Ep. Mr. Sharad Verma: Fundamentals of Legal Research & Writing

In the bonus episode of TCLF One-on-One, Sharad Verma (Gray & Company, Canada) talks about the “Fundamentals of Legal Writing & Research”. Sharad has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Constitutional Law Review. Further, he has contributed to some of the most coveted journals in India as well as abroad, amassing extensive experience in legal research and writing.

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Bonus Ep. Mr. Sharad Verma: Fundamentals of Legal Research & Writing Read More »