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Law Data Protection Healthcare

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-I)

In this two part blog post, the authors comprehensively analyse data privacy and confidentiality concerns surrounding electronic health records.
In Part-1, the authors analyse interoperability and the conundrum surrounding anonymised data by referring to some important case laws and statutory provisions from advanced jurisdictions.

Covid-19 and Electronic Health Records: A Dilemma for Privacy and Confidentiality (Part-I) Read More »

Ms. Radha Raghavan on TCLF One-on-One discusses Arbitration

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.6 Ms. Radha Raghavan: The Present & Future of International Investment Disputes

In the latest episode of TCLF One-on-One, Ms. Radha Raghavan (Of Counsel at Draper and Draper LLC, New York) talks about her experience of working in New York, a commercial hub and popular seat for International Arbitrations, emerging issues in International Investment disputes, FDI prospects for India and much more.

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.6 Ms. Radha Raghavan: The Present & Future of International Investment Disputes Read More »

Black Lives Matter US Law George Floyd

Police Involvement in the Black Lives Matter Movement: The Need for Selective Allowance (Part-I)

In this two part editorial post, the authors present a compelling piece on the need for selective allowance for police officers to participate in protests in light of the recent “Black Lives Matter” movement .
The first part of this article takes into account the overlapping interests of policeman, and suggests the formation of a comprehensive new protocol to allow for the participation of these police officers.

Police Involvement in the Black Lives Matter Movement: The Need for Selective Allowance (Part-I) Read More »

Implications of Patent Rights on Access to Healthcare in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic

In our latest post, the authors comprehensively talk about compulsory licensing considerations under the patent regime in light of the COVID-19 crisis. In doing so, the author also provide a way forward to ensure better access to healthcare using the existing legal framework.

Implications of Patent Rights on Access to Healthcare in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic Read More »

Platform Neutrality

Platform Neutrality: An Ignored Manipulation of Antitrust

In our latest post, the authors comprehensively analyse ‘platform neutrality’ from an antitrust perspective. In doing so, the authors highlight the difficulties associated with delineation of ‘relevant market’ in e-commerce cases and further analyse certain case laws from India and abroad to point the various competition perspectives involved.

Platform Neutrality: An Ignored Manipulation of Antitrust Read More »

Production Sharing Contracts: A hope for Financial Recovery

In this post, the author highlights the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the highly productive oil industry. The author proceeds on to discussing the Indian regime relating to production sharing contracts. Further, the author highlights the significance of the six member panel appointed by the central government for the recovery of profits and review of the existing production sharing contracts between the contractors and the Government.

Production Sharing Contracts: A hope for Financial Recovery Read More »

Shivam Singh Sports Law

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.4 Mr. Shivam Singh: Sports Law and COVID’s Impact on the Sports Industry

In the latest episode of TCLF One-on-One, Mr. Shivam Singh (Counsel, Supreme Court and High Courts currently associated with Chamber 20A) talks about his first encounter with sports law as a subject, changes in viewership trends, impact of Covid-19 on players agreements and much more.

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.4 Mr. Shivam Singh: Sports Law and COVID’s Impact on the Sports Industry Read More »