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Shivam Singh Sports Law

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.4 Mr. Shivam Singh: Sports Law and COVID’s Impact on the Sports Industry

In the latest episode of TCLF One-on-One, Mr. Shivam Singh (Counsel, Supreme Court and High Courts currently associated with Chamber 20A) talks about his first encounter with sports law as a subject, changes in viewership trends, impact of Covid-19 on players agreements and much more.

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.4 Mr. Shivam Singh: Sports Law and COVID’s Impact on the Sports Industry Read More »

Hong Kong protests

Anti-Mask Ban And Now The National Security Law: Are We Seeing The Potential ‘End Of Hong Kong’ Before 2047?

In this post, the author analyses the recent attempts by mainland China to subdue the autonomy of Hong Kong. The author argues that recent laws such as the National Security Act and the Anti-Mask Ban are nothing but an attempt by Mainland China to demolish the fundamental rights of of the citizens of Hong Kong.

Anti-Mask Ban And Now The National Security Law: Are We Seeing The Potential ‘End Of Hong Kong’ Before 2047? Read More »

The Reparations Claim against China: A Proposition without a Base

In this post, the authors analyse the tenacity of reparations claim against China for the spread of COVID-19. The authors argue that China has not breached its international obligations under various international instruments and is therefore, not liable to make reparations.

The Reparations Claim against China: A Proposition without a Base Read More »


In our latest two part blog post, the author analyses the concepts of ‘With’ and ‘Without Prejudice’ in imposition of costs. In Part 1 of the article, the author refers to the relevant rules and provides a brief understanding of the concepts.


Triloki Nath Singh v. Anirudh Singh: Does the bar under Order XXIII Rule 3A extend to a person who is not made a party to the suit?

In this post, the authors analyse the recent decision of the Supreme Court in Triloki Nath Singh v. Anirudh Singh and argue that the Court erred in its findings by deviating from accepted legal principles regarding representative suits and compromise decree.

Triloki Nath Singh v. Anirudh Singh: Does the bar under Order XXIII Rule 3A extend to a person who is not made a party to the suit? Read More »

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.3 Mr. Mohit Khubchandani :India, International Law and The Pandemic

In the latest episode of TCLF One-on-One, Mr. Mohit Khubchandani (incoming ICJ Judicial Fellow) talks about his first encounter with International Law as a subject, India’s recent engagements with the ICJ, sufficiency of IL in dealing with the current pandemic and much more.

TCLF ONE-ON-ONE| Ep.3 Mr. Mohit Khubchandani :India, International Law and The Pandemic Read More »

Analysing WTO-Arbitration under Article 25 of the DSU Agreement and proposing recommendations to incentivize it as a Dispute Resolution Mechanism (PART-I)

(In our latest two part blog post, the authors talk about the need to incentivise WTO Arbitration under Article 25 of the DSU Agreement in light of the prevailing appellate body crisis.) In Part-1 of the article, the authors highlight the key features of Article 25 arbitrations.

Analysing WTO-Arbitration under Article 25 of the DSU Agreement and proposing recommendations to incentivize it as a Dispute Resolution Mechanism (PART-I) Read More »